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Swagelok Danmark

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Workshop Technician
Phone: +45 7612 1950

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Glenn started the year 2024 by becoming a part of the Swagelok Team. With his previous experience as a plumber, Glenn is accustomed to a busy daily life focused on delivering high-quality work. Additionally, he has broad experience from his work in the food industry and offshore, where thoroughness is also a key factor.

Glenn has brought this experience to the workshop, where he is always dependable. His adaptability makes him a valuable employee, approaching new challenges with a special calmness and professionalism.

"I'm used to maintaining a strong focus on working with quality and thoroughness, and I take great pride in performing tasks to the best of my ability every day."

In the workshop, Glenn creates tailored solutions, custom solutions, that can streamline processes and optimize production for our customers.

But work is not everything for Glenn. He also enjoys spending time with his wife and three children, whether it is at home, in trip to the forest, or on vacation. When time allows, Glenn also enjoys channeling his energy into the gym or hitting the road on his bike.