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Swagelok Danmark

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Field Engineer

Phone: +45 7612 1963
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"It is all about listening to our customers and understanding their needs".

Just like the customers, Jesper enjoys Swagelok's wide range of quality components. He uses the components to create custom solutions that minimize down-time, facilitate work and optimise the production for his customers.

Jesper is very passionate about drawings and constructing the solutions, which help the customers with a specific challenge.

"The whole process of uncovering the customer´s needs and creating the solution in close collaboration with the customer is always exciting to me".

It requires close connections throughout the process, which means he is always involved in creating something that customers really need - which is a great satisfaction for him.

In addition to immersing himself in CAD drawings and construction, he also has the function as a Swagelok Energy Advisor, and visits power stations and offshore platforms, checking the installations for leaks. Furthermore he is responsible for advising on energy optimization.

“Versatility is my drive. I am passionate about drawings and constructing the custom solutions. It would bore me, if I had to sit in front of the computer all day, every day”.

Jesper also teaches at Swagelok's Tube fitting courses and welding courses. Furthermore he is also a Hose Advisor, where he is guiding customers on the purchase and use of Swagelok's range of hoses. His work history is as versatile as his work at Swagelok. Jesper is a trained production technologist and a trained truck mechanic.

When he turns off his phone and computer and puts the tools away, he spends most of his time with his family engaging in his sons' football careers. He enjoys running and cycling in the forests around Esbjerg.