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Swagelok Danmark

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Sales Manager

Phone: +45 7612 1953

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Peter joined the Swagelok team in June 2019. He started as a Sales Manager and is primarily in charge of Clean Energy and Hydrogen.

He is a trained electrician and high current technician but has primarily been working on projects within the oil and gas industry, such as instrumentation, hydraulics, chemical dosage and fire fighting.

With more than 20 years working with technical projects in the oil & gas industry, he has built up an extensive experience and knowhow, which makes him able to understand the challenges you can experience in the industry.

His practical background makes him capable of putting him self in the position of the customers and meeting their demands.

“The fact that I have worked with everything from hands-on engineering to managing global organizations has given me the experience I need to create the right balance between price, safety, quality, delivery time, service etc. This is something I use in my everyday work in Swagelok.”, he says.

It is safe to say that Peter's experience ads extra value to his position in Swagelok.

“I only see opportunities and no limits.”

With his expert knowledge and service, Peter sees opportunities and he is always working out the right solutions matching the customers needs. He started his career in the entrepreneur business and there is no doubt that he brings the inner entrepreneur to work everyday.

Peter helps the customers in finding the solution that fit their needs in the best way possible, that is one of his core competencies.

“It is important to me that our customers experience the extra value they get when they contact us contrary when they contact other companies in the industry.

In his spare time he prioritize to spend quality time with his wife and kids. He also keep an active lifestyle practicing both running and cycling. He enjoys life and love to spend time cooking a great meal with a good glass of wine on the side. This is not only something he practice in Denmark, but also when he travels to France to conquer the mountains in Bedoin, Provence on his bike.