Swagelok’s products are applied in industries where tight connections, pressure, purity and safety are high-priority goals.
We deliver tight connections in components such as fittings, tubes, hoses and valves, for systems that transport fluids and gasses under the most extreme conditions. For example:
• Pharmaceutical and Food Industry, where flexibility, purity and hygiene are of utmost importance
• R&D and education, where the quality of the products is decisive regarding verification and documentation
• Oil and gas, where tight-fitting connections, long service-life and fast delivery are crucial elements for
profitability and safety
• Alternative energy, where tight-fitting connections are key for safety and environmental considerations
• Chemical and petro-chemical industry, where quality, tight-fitting and ease-of-replaceability are
decisive factors
Find your line of business and see what we have to offer you. And please do not hesitate to contact us at or on +45 76 12 19 50 for more information on how we can help improve the efficiency, safety and profitability of your fluid systems.