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Swagelok Danmark

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center


Phone: +45 7612 1961
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Palle is passionate about communication and creating an understanding between human beings and different cultures. This may not be the most obvious passion for a CEO with an engineering background. Or is it? His technical background is in fact the backbone of his way of approaching projects and communication.

"I believe that the key to successful communication is through simple, structured and direct communication. You should always be straight to the point. This way you minimize misunderstandings.”

In his everyday work, Palle is primarily working with business development and strategy for the company, also with our previously large Russian department, where he was working as a coach and mentor for the CEO and the administration.

"I work to develop decisions which are well thought through and made to last. I find it exciting to work with different cultures and getting to know their way of thinking and working. Working with Russia has been an amazing journey.”
"We value punctuality and if we promise to deliver in four weeks - we will deliver in four weeks. We never make a promise which we cannot keept”.

The technical background brings Palle an understanding towards the client´s challenges and how Swagelok can help to solve these challenges. He also uses this experience when working with the company development and the employees. He describes himself as a creative technician.

”My creativity will not be limited to bookish knowledge”. This means that I am not afraid to fail and I am good at challenging both customers and colleagues to think differently.”

Work is a hobby and challenges are a lifestyle for Palle. When he is not challenging customers and colleagues, his children are being challenged with cultural experiences such as ballet and opera.