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Swagelok Danmark

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Customer Service

Phone: +45 7612 1962
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Ole is driven by the desire to finding solutions. He likes it when people have questions he does not know the answers to straightaway as this means that he needs to learn something new.

”It is great to learn something new, even though I am not 27 anymore,” he says with his characteristic smile. This smile is known to everybody who meets him.

There is however nothing wrong with Ole´s technical competencies. He is an export engineer who is helping customers with orders both on the phone and via email. This job suits him very well.

“I am better at nursing customers than I am at finding new customers. This is the reason why I thrive when working with customer support. I find it easy to be in contact with other people and I am good at creating tight connections.”

Ole combines these abilities with curiosity and technical competencies to help customers with their challenges when they call or email him. It is all about finding the right solutions for the right price and deliver it at the right time. Sometimes it is just a question of delivering parts when other times it is more about guidance and finding the right components to create the solutions and services in Swagelok´s huge catalogue.

“Whether it is a simple or complicated query, it is essential that the customer feel that we have understood their challenge and that we are there to help them. That is what service is all about, and that is what make them contact us again next time they need help. The better service - the tighter connections.”

Ole loves communicating, not only when he is working but also in his spare time. He communicates with people from all over the world, from Canada to Australia. He loves creating tight connections and many of whom he has never met in real life - only online.